LRCA Affiliated Clubs
If any of the information for your club is incorrect, please contact the LRCA secretary.
Colorado State Lop Rabbit Club
President: Lexie Miller
Vice-President: Patty Miller
Secretary/Treasurer: Rosetta Scanlon
Great Lakes Lop Club
President: Rachel Brunink-Morlock
Vice-President: Susan McManus
Secretary: Christine Harrison
Treasurer: Ashley Bacheller
Illinois Lop Club
President: Lynn Eden
Vice-President: Sheryl Sparrgrove
Secretary/Treasurer: Todd Pinkerton-Riegel
Indiana State Lop Rabbit Club
President: Randy Waggoner
Vice-President: Irvin Etienne
Secretary/Treasurer: Jean Thomas
Lop Breeders of the West
President: Melissa McMullen
Vice-President: Paddie Cape
Secretary/Treasurer: Maddie Heidman
Lop Rabbit Club Of Ohio
President: Chuck Mann
Vice-President: Dave Maldonado
Secretary/Treasurer: Tom Sabrey
Lops of the South
President: Candie Glasscock
Vice-President: Lani Fralix
Secretary/Treasurer: Sherry Bailey
Mid Atlantic Lop Club
Serving Virginia & Pennsylvania and Neighboring States
President: Lisa Walton
Vice-President: Zachary Newman
Secretary: Barry Burton
Treasurer: Laura Ferrie
New York State Lop Rabbit Club
President: Jennifer Boozer
Vice-President: Mary Edwards
Secretary/Treasurer: Ken Nesbitt
Southern Lop Breeders Assoc.
Serving Georgia & Neighboring States
President: Sandy Bennett
Vice-President: Monica Tucker
Secretary/Treasurer: Terry Thomas
Texas Lop Rabbit Specialty Club
President: Janet Lorenz
Vice-President: Terri Snell
Secretary: Roni Nail
Treasurer: Christy Wilson