LRCA Officers

The LRCA has a group of directors which represent various areas of the country. They express the areas concerns at executive meetings and share any pertinent news with the rest of the LRCA. Please feel free to contact your Zone Director, or any LRCA Officer.


Todd Pinkerton-Riegel

503 North Main Street
White Hall, IL 62092
(217) 433-0320
Greetings fellow Lop breeders, My name is Todd Pinkerton-Riegel and I currently serve as President of the Lop Rabbit Club of America. As a young child, I was the kid who always brought home the stray animals. It was simple, they needed a loving home and I had love to give. By age six, I had poultry and started on the 4H scene. It was at my first show that I seen a French Lop and that was all it took. Over the next 12 years, I would raise French and English lops at the local level. Like many youth, graduating high school meant change was coming and I took a few years off. I’ve been back raising French lops for the past 10 years and can’t imagine life without them! My Husband, Matt, and I have been married for 13 years this past October. Although Matt doesn’t appear at the show level, he is always offering support at home and puts just as much time in as I do. Without his support, I wouldn’t be able to enjoy all my different hobbies. In addition to Lops, I collect stoneware and love to antique. In closing, I’m always available. If you have any interest in joining the LRCA or have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Nicole Wood

PO Box 773
Palo Cedro, CA 96073
Dear membership, My name is Nicole Wood and I have recently been appointed as LRCA vice president. I got involved with rabbits in 1991 through a friend Heather Carter. We met in animal science class in our freshman year, and she showed rabbits for 4H. I would spend the night and go to shows with the Carter's. Soon I was more into rabbits than she was. Before I knew it, I was showing Rex and in both 4H and FFA. Like many youths, I took a long hiatus from rabbits after graduation while I went to college and settled into my career. I slowly started getting back into rabbits in 2006 with a pet fuzzy lop and rejoining ARBA. My sister and I decided we wanted to start showing and agreed on French and English lops. I was familiar with French because Heather’s mom Judy had French lops back then. Sadly, my English lop show career didn’t last more than a year, but I loved the French. I have been a member of the northern California lop club and LRCA since 2009. I live in Palo Cedro California and am a Registered Nurse having worked most of my career in critical care. My specialty is open heart recovery where I am the charge nurse. I am also a union rep for my hospital and sit on our Professional Practice Committee. When I am not working, I can usually be found at home with my two dogs. Both are South African mastiffs, Circe and Harvey. I also have three of the coolest cats ever.


Sheryl Sparrgrove

9914 North Yards Rd
Clinton, IL 61727
My name is Sheryl Sparrgrove and I am your recently appointed LRCA Secretary. I grew up on a very small farm in N.E. Iowa. I married my high school sweetheart Brian in 1983 and we started dairy farming. We have 5 children and all of them were into livestock. So rabbits were a less expensive type of livestock to raise. Of course each had to have their own breeds. We had Californians, Satins, Harlequins, Champagne D'Argents and French Lops. Our children started at the county fair level then moved on to the ARBA level where they were on the Iowa Youth Judging teams. In 2011 we left farming and 2012 we moved to Illinois for my job. We did not start back in to rabbits until 2018 after we purchased our forever acreage. We started with a trio of Cals and in 2021 we purchased our first pair for French lops. Brian had never been to a show larger than the county fair so his first ARBA show was National Convention 2021 Louisville. Let's just say, the rabbit bug bit him. My full time job, I am a Project Manager/ Supplier Collaboration Engineer for a major wire harness manufacturer and I work with electrical engineers helping them design the wire harnesses for the large mining and construction vehicles. I am able to travel to many of their manufacturing plants in the United States to help trouble shoot any issues with the wire harnesses. I am a 6 Sigma Black Belt which, helps me to be process and data driven. We are blessed to have 7 grandchildren and 1 more on the way. They love the rabbits and can't wait to see them either thru Facetime or in person. Of course, they love the French Lops and they help us to determine their names. I am excited to be part of this great organization and I look forward to working with all of you. Sheryl Sparrgrove


Melissa McMullen

(530) 633-4898
Currently serving for LRCA: Treasurer Constitution Committee Previously served: Zone 9 Director Other Service: Currently serving as a Northern California Lop Rabbit Club Director Previously served as Northern California Lop Rabbit Club President, Secretary and Treasurer My background with livestock started with FFA and 4H. It was while I was in high school that I was introduced to rabbits, market lambs, veal, and poultry. I participated in the fair system and won FFA Reserve Grand Champion Veal my senior year. loved the livestock judging competitions, Parliamentary Procedure Debate competitions, and serving in various leadership positions. I continued to mentor in 4H in later years and to serve on several officer teams locally and nationally. My husband, David, and I have been married since 1989 and we traveled across the country while he served in the Air Force. After moving back to California, I started my rabbitry, K2M’s Hare Force Rabbitry, with my young daughters in 2002. We’ve had several breeds in and out of the barn, but French Lops have been my main passion. After winning Best of Breed at ARBA Convention in Portland, Oregon in 2015, I brought in the sable gene for fun. I’ve been diligently working on genetics, development, and improvement in all aspects of the breed. I enjoy the behind-the-scenes aspect of the organization and administration in club function so that other members can enjoy the social aspect of the club. It has been an honor to serve the Lop Rabbit Club of America, Inc.

LRCA Zone Directors

Zone 1

Christopher Roman

New York, Ontario, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine, New Brunswick, Quebec
PO Box 5
Vernon, NY 13476

Zone 2

Monica Tucker

Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina
(865) 585-0078

Zone 3

Laura Ferrie

Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey
(732) 616-2169

Zone 4

Candie Glasscock

Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky
(859) 612-1012
Hello from Zone 4! My name is Candie Glasscock and I am happy to be your Zone 4 representative. A quick snippet about me. I am married to Bobby Glasscock. We have seven grown children between us, four grandkids and more on the way I'm sure! I live in the southern most point of Kentucky near the Tennessee line. We are currently showing and breeding English, French, and Holland lops. Our Rabbitry is Sugarbun's. I have been raising English lops going on 9 years now and that is what I am most passionate about. I do help my husband with his French lops though. While I will help anyone that asks me about pure breeds, I truly love helping with our youth. I am also the President of the Lops of the South English and French Lop specifically club. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. My email is or call or text me at (859) 612-1012. Hope to see you at a show soon!

Zone 5

Drew White

North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Saskatchewan
(641) 295-2100
My name is Drew White and I am the current Zone 5 Director. I am excited to represent my zone to the board. I grew up in Iowa and currently live with my family in Missouri. My Family consists of my husband Cory, son Liam, multiple foster kids, and our dogs and cats. For the last 10 years I have served my community as a Veterinarian. Our Goal is to raise quality English lops and to increase the interest in English and French Lops in our zone to open and youth exhibitors. Please feel free to reach out to me about any questions or concerns you might have. I look forward to meeting you all.

Zone 6

Andy Root

Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Manitoba
(217) 473-6342

Zone 7

Janet Lorenz

Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Colorado, Mexico
(832) 622-6682 name is Janet Lorenz and I am your Zone 7 Director residing in little Magnolia, TX. My love for rabbits began around the age of 10 when my Mom gifted my sister and I with two Easter bunnies. Fate would then place me in the hands of two Top Dutch Breeders, Don and Nelle Brady, who owned the stable where my horse was stalled. What awesome mentors they were as I started to grow in rabbits. With a barn full of Dutch you may wonder how did I turn to Lops. Well, I purchased a French buck as a pet for my Mom in the early 1970's and soon history was made. All the Dutch were sold and cages quickly were converted to handle French Lops. That's when I joined the LRCA and was soon elected to my first term as Zone Director. In addition to serving as Director for many terms off and on throughout the years, I am also proud to have been this club's Secretary/Treasurer for many years. I have also had the honor of being on the French Lop Standards Committee and the Judges Selection Committee. Currently, I am an ARBA Registrar and a Life Member of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, a Life Member of the Texas Rabbit Breeders Association and a Life Member of the Lop Rabbit Breeders Association. My greatest honors to date was being elected to the LRCA Hall of Fame and as the TRBA Breeder of the Year. Welcome to the World of the English and French Lop. Please let me know if I can help you in any way, my email is Every question is important. All you have to do is ask.

Zone 8

Paddie Cape

Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Alaska, Alberta, British Columbia
(503) 991-2914
Hello Zone 8, it is an honor to represent you on our board. I was born and raised in the great Pacific Northwest! I have lived in Amity, Oregon with my husband and our daughter Abigail for the past 21 years. In my adult life, I am a special education teacher specializing in Emotional Behavior Disorders with Salem Keizer School District. As a youth, I raised and showed French Lops in 4-H, FFA, and ARBA. As an adult, I have served as a youth advisor, leader, and director on both local and national organization boards. In 2010 along with my daughter we began our rabbitry Lops of Faith Rabbitry. Our rabbitry currently consists of French Lops, Mini Lops, and 3 American Chinchillas. It is a goal of mine to grow quality English and French Lops within our area. I am excited to see our states host more specialty shows and the number of exhibitors rises over the past two years. I am eager to hear about your successes and work as a team to encourage and build each other up to become a stronger network. Thank you for this opportunity and please do not hesitate to reach out with questions, comments, celebrations, and concerns.

Zone 9

Dara Gribi

California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Hawaii
(408) 391-8990
My name is Dara Gribi and I am the current Zone 9 Director and Temporary Zone 8 Director. I am married to my husband Stefan and have twin sons Lucas and Elia. I have been raising English Lops since I bought my first one from the legendary Ross Malloy at the 1991 ARBA Convention in Pomona, CA. The following year I won youth BOB at the ARBA Convention in Columbus, OH with a beautiful broken black tort buck that Ross sold me. We have been hooked ever since. My son Lucas as well as my Parents David & Trina Carlson also raise this wonderful breed. My son and I also raise Blanc de Hotots and he raises Himalayans and Havanas as well. Our newest adventure is the addition of 5 Angora Goats that we are having a lot of fun with. I also have a menagerie of aquatic creatures such as nano fish (Pygmy Sunfish, Pygmy Puffer Fish, Emerald Eye Rasbora, Strawberry Rasbora, Clown Killifish, Honey Gourami, Zebra Borneo Sucker Fish Florida Flagfish and Betta), freshwater shrimp and a plethora of live food. I also keep a few other creepy crawlers such as isopod’s, cockroaches and beetles and Lucas has a Northern Blue Tongue Skink and a frog. Lastly is our two dogs. Blazer is a 5 lb mini dachshund and Rocco is a 120lb LGD Italian Marrema Sheepdog that protects our goats. Besides my menagerie, I enjoy spending time with my family, watching YouTube to learn things I didn’t know I needed to know, reading and needle felting plus anything crafty or creative. If you have anything to report in Zone 8 or 9 please contact me at the eamil address above, I would love to hear from you.

Your Officers and Zone Directors would appreciate it if you would please always be certain to note the time panel to which you are calling from and to. Although it may be 8:00 AM on the East Coast, it may be 'quite early' in other parts of the Country. This would be the same for on the West Coast. It may be 8:30 PM there, but it can be 'much later' in the evening elsewhere. As a courtesy, please remember to check your time panel, and that of the person you wish to contact, before making your call.

Thank You!!